Stock items expiring soon report (includes guest beers)
Much like the existing Products expiring soon report, there is now one for your stock items, too! As guest beers are also stock-item-based, these will be included in this report. This report can be found at Reporting -> Pre-build production & inventory reports -> Stock items expiring soon.
Add attached files to credit notes & see an actions log
Credit notes have had a number of improvements, including better handling of notes, file attachments and an actions log. Files uploaded can also (optionally) be included in the credit note PDF email sent to the customer.
Sequence numbers on racking/stock labels
You can now choose to show a sequence number on stock labels (e.g. 1 of 10). This can be useful for tracking how far through a packaging run each container was done. For more information, please see the original feature request at Sequence numbers on racking/stock labels.
Stock labels can now be printed for alias products
When printing stock (racking) labels for a base product which has alias products associated with it, you will now get the option to print the labels as the alias product. Please don't forget that these are still simply alias products with a shared stock pool. To not share the stock pool, a derived beer should be used instead.
Duty paid stock report
We have a brand new report that allows you to easily identify all duty-paid stock, which is helpful for both internal monitoring and audits. If you go to Reporting -> Pre-built production and inventory reports, you'll find it listed as Duty paid stock.
Report (export) for recipe/brewsheet reporting tags
The new report can be found at Reporting → Pre-built Production and inventory reports → Recipe reporting tag records.
Create recurring tasks & cleaning record schedules that run daily but only on weekdays
When creating repeating tasks and cleaning/maintenance records that run every x days, you can now choose to only have these run on weekdays (and so skip weekends).